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Provider: Good Shepherd's Little Lambs   Provider ID: 3083
Site Visit Details
Violations and Corrective Actions
Corrective Actions and Narratives 04/08/2022 Review all staff BFIS Quality and Credential accounts to ensure all documentation has been submitted. Submit a program improvement plan that outlines how the program will maintain compliance to this rule. Include within this plan the system to track trainings for all current and new employees to ensure they are completed by required dates, the system on collecting training certificates or educational documents to confirm completion and qualifications, indicating who is responsible for submitting and tracking documentation to ensure it was received by Northern Lights at CCV and uploaded into staff accounts, as well as the individual responsible for communicating with Northern Lights when documentation previously submitted is not reflected in staff accounts. 05/10/2022 04/29/2022 Final
Upon review of staff BFIS Quality and Credential accounts and review of staff files found that documentation existed but was not reflected in eleven (11) staff accounts. Confirmation was received from Northern Lights at CCV that documentation was not in their queue to be uploaded to staff accounts. This is a repeat violation.
  Within six (6) months of the initial date of employment; staff and auxiliary staff left alone with children and/or counted in staff/child ratio as specified in the rule of these regulations, and the program director shall maintain an up-to-date BFIS Quality and Credential Account. Documentation, verification of qualifications, and all annual professional development activities as specified in the rules in sections 7.3 and 7.4 of these regulations shall be submitted to Northern Lights at CCV to be verified and maintained in BFIS.
Corrective Actions and Narratives
5.1.2 04/08/2022 Ensure each enrolled child has a general health exam in their file. Develop a system to ensure that files are complete with the general health exam by the forty-fifth (45) day since a child became enrolled. 05/03/2022 05/06/2022 Final
Upon review of ten (10) childrens files, five (5) were missing the general health exam.
  General Health Examinations: Within forty-five (45) days of enrollment, the licensee shall obtain documentation of the child's age appropriate well care exam from the parent. Documentation shall include information regarding any health conditions and medications that may impact the care of the child.
The program met the follow regulations (were in compliance) at this visit.
Reg. No. Finding Date 04/08/2022
Regulation The program director shall ensure that the meals and snacks provided meet the current USDA/Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) meal pattern requirements that are adjusted according to the age of each child. 04/08/2022
Regulation Children two (2) years of age to school-age experience shall experience frequent positive interactions with a consistent staff member or team that provides each child with the following opportunities throughout the day: Face to face interaction; A combination of individual, small group, and large group experiences; Conversation with adults and peers during play, eating, and routine care; Being read to and looking at books, individually and in a group; Space and equipment to support developing gross motor skills such as catching and throwing, balancing, jumping, climbing, running, and skipping; Space and materials to support developing small motor skills such as using manipulatives, scribbling, drawing, and writing; Materials, experiences and support for developmentally appropriate pre-literacy and literacy skills; Materials, experiences, and support for developmentally appropriate mathematical and scientific concepts; Open-ended play and activities; Positive recognition of efforts, not just results; Developmentally appropriate problem solving; Materials, time, and encouragement to engage in extended and complex play alone and with peers; Experiences that promote social competence and cooperative play; Encouragement to explore, experiment and initiate activities; Developmentally appropriate independence; and Time, space, and encouragement to gain mastery through play and learning by doing. 04/08/2022
Regulation Except as specified in rule of these regulations, children shall be provided opportunities for moderate to vigorous play and gross motor activity outdoors on the premises or within a safe walking distance of the CBCCPP for at least sixty (60) minutes each day. For programs that operate less than four (4) hours per day, staff shall ensure that children are provided at least thirty (30) minutes of outside physical activity each day. 04/08/2022
Regulation Toys, materials and equipment shall be varied and available in a quantity that allows all children to benefit from their use, allows a range of choices, and reduces conflicts between children. 04/08/2022
Regulation CBCCPP staff shall ensure that adults and children wash their hands: * Upon arrival at the CBCCPP; * Before they eat, prepare or handle food; * Before and after handling raw meat; * Before feeding children; * After toileting or diapering; * After cleaning; * After taking out the garbage; * After handling animals; and * After outdoor play. 04/08/2022
Regulation Staff shall wash the hands of children who are unable to wash their own hands and provide developmentally appropriate guidance and supervision to help children learn and practice healthy hand washing. 04/08/2022
Regulation The licensee shall ensure that each child, except school-age children, has an individual crib, port-a-crib, cot, mat, or bed that is safe for the child's age and development, in good repair, and used by only one child each day. No child shall nap directly on the floor or on furniture not designed for sleeping. Cribs or port-a-cribs shall be used for children under twelve (12) months of age. Children shall not nap in cribs or port-a-cribs if they are physically able to climb out unassisted. 04/08/2022
Regulation Cots, mats, and mattresses shall be nonporous or have nonporous coverings. Each child shall be provided clean, individual bed linens either by the licensee providing them directly or requiring parents to provide them. No child shall nap directly on nonporous coverings. 04/08/2022
Regulation Bedding used by a child shall be stored in a manner that prevents contact with bedding used by other children. 04/08/2022
Regulation The play area shall be fenced or otherwise protected from traffic and other hazards. Fencing or natural barriers, such as hedges or other clear land boundaries, shall prevent children from exiting and allow for safe supervision of outdoor play. 04/08/2022
Regulation Exits: Stairways, hallways, windows, and doors from rooms used by children shall be clear and unobstructed from stored items, non-movable barriers, toys, and other items at all times. 04/08/2022
Regulation The program director shall ensure that the CBCCPP, its furnishings, and toys are kept in a clean and orderly condition. 04/08/2022
Regulation The number of children served by the CBCCPP at any one (1) time shall not exceed the maximum capacity allowed written on the license certificate. 04/08/2022
Regulation The program director shall ensure that the number of staff present meets requirements described in the chart below for ages of children, maximum group size, and staff/child ratios at any time of day. 04/08/2022
Regulation Staff shall appropriately hold, touch, smile and talk to children. 04/08/2022
Regulation Staff shall speak to children at their eye level. 04/08/2022
Regulation Staff shall be available and responsive to children, encouraging them to share experiences, ideas, and feelings. 04/08/2022
Regulation Staff shall listen to children with attention and respect. 04/08/2022
Regulation Children shall be attended to when they cry.
6.3.1 04/08/2022
Regulation 6.3.1: The curriculum shall be adapted to provide all children opportunities to participate in all activities that are appropriate to their age and development. 04/08/2022
Regulation The program director of a CBCCPP licensed to care for sixty (60) or more children shall be qualified as a teacher, shall have at least an additional twenty-four (24) months of experience working with groups of children from grade three (3) or younger, and shall have completed either: * A Vermont Early Childhood and Afterschool Program Director Step Two (2) Certificate or Vermont Early Childhood and Afterschool Program Director Credential, Step Three (3); or * Successful completion of a three (3) college credit course in curriculum, and an additional nine (9) college credits in program management, staff supervision, administration, or human resource management. 04/08/2022
Regulation The program director of a CBCCPP licensed for thirteen (13) or more children shall complete within one (1) year of employment start date a three (3) college credit course in managing an early care and education program that includes budgeting and financial management, approved by the Division; or the licensee shall employ a business manager as in the rule 7.6.1 of these regulations. 04/08/2022
Regulation Staff shall use positive methods of guidance and behavior management that encourage self-control, self-direction, self-esteem, and cooperation. 04/08/2022
Regulation The licensee shall maintain a record of the date of each evacuation drill as required in the rules in section 3.7.2 of these regulations that includes the number of children and staff evacuated, time taken to evacuate, and notation of the drill conducted while children were sleeping or resting. Evacuation records shall be kept for two (2) years. When the CBCCPP counts lock-down drills as allowed in the rules in section 3.7.2 of these regulations, the licensee shall maintain a record of the date of each lock-down drill, the number of CBCCPP children and staff who participated, and note that the drill performed was a lock-down drill.
5.6.2 04/08/2022
Regulation 5.6.2: The program director shall ensure that only staff, who have completed a training course approved by the Division, administer medication in the CBCCPP. With written parental permission, a school age child may self-medicate under the direct supervision of staff who meets the training requirement within this rule. 04/08/2022
Regulation General Safety: The licensee shall ensure the physical facilities of the CBCCPP, grounds, equipment, and toys present no hazard to the health, safety, and well-being of the children.
5.11.4 04/08/2022
Regulation 5.11.4: Drinking water shall be readily available to children at all times.

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