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Provider: Good Shepherd's Little Lambs   Provider ID: 3083
Site Visit Details
Violations and Corrective Actions
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The program met the follow regulations (were in compliance) at this visit.
Reg. No. Finding Date 07/27/2018
Regulation The program director shall ensure that menus are planned in advance, dated, and posted so that they are clearly visible to parents. Any changes to the posted menu shall be noted. Menus of meals and snacks for the preceding six (6) weeks shall be kept on file. 07/27/2018
Regulation The program director of a CBCCPP licensed for thirteen (13) or more children shall complete within one (1) year of employment start date a three (3) college credit course in managing an early care and education program that includes budgeting and financial management, approved by the Division; or the licensee shall employ a business manager as in the rule 7.6.1 of these regulations. 07/27/2018
Regulation Infants shall be held for bottle-feeding until they are able to hold an unsupported bottle. At no time shall a bottle be propped for feeding an infant. 07/27/2018
Regulation Unused portions of formula or breast milk that was offered to the infant shall be discarded after each feeding or after one (1) hour without refrigeration. Open containers of ready-to-feed or concentrated formula shall be covered, refrigerated, and discarded after forty-eight (48) hours if not used. Unused expressed breast milk shall be discarded after forty-eight (48) hours if refrigerated, after two (2) weeks if frozen. 07/27/2018
Regulation Except as specified in rule of these regulations, children shall be provided opportunities for moderate to vigorous play and gross motor activity outdoors on the premises or within a safe walking distance of the CBCCPP for at least sixty (60) minutes each day. For programs that operate less than four (4) hours per day, staff shall ensure that children are provided at least thirty (30) minutes of outside physical activity each day. 07/27/2018
Regulation Staff shall be interacting with children during outside play. 07/27/2018
Regulation Toys, materials and equipment shall be varied and available in a quantity that allows all children to benefit from their use, allows a range of choices, and reduces conflicts between children. 07/27/2018
Regulation The amount of awake time children under twenty-four (24) months of age spend in any confining equipment, such as a crib, playpen, port-a-crib, swing, or seat shall be limited to less than thirty (30) minutes in any two (2) hour period. 07/27/2018
Regulation Screen time shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes daily per child or group of children except for school age children using technology to complete homework assignments and a once per month two (2) hour movie. 07/27/2018
Regulation Staff shall maintain a daily written record of the feeding, sleeping, diapering, and developmental progress of all children under twelve (12) months of age to be shared with parents at the end of each day. 07/27/2018
Regulation Children two (2) years of age to school-age experience shall experience frequent positive interactions with a consistent staff member or team that provides each child with the following opportunities throughout the day: * Face to face interaction; * A combination of individual, small group, and large group experiences; * Conversation with adults and peers during play, eating, and routine care; * Being read to and looking at books, individually and in a group; * Space and equipment to support developing gross motor skills such as catching and throwing, balancing, jumping, climbing, running and skipping; * Space and materials to support developing small motor skills such as using manipulatives, scribbling, drawing and writing; * Materials, experiences and support for developmentally appropriate pre-literacy and literacy skills; * Materials, experiences and support for developmentally appropriate mathematical and scientific concepts; * Open-ended play and activities; * Positive recognition of efforts, not just results; * Developmentally appropriate problem solving; * Materials, time and encouragement to engage in extended and complex play alone and with peers; * Experiences that promote social competence and cooperative play; * Encouragement to explore, experiment and initiate activities; * Developmentally appropriate independence; and * Time, space and encouragement to gain mastery through play and learning by doing. 07/27/2018
Regulation The licensee shall ensure that all staff have met ongoing background check requirements by submitting at least once every five (5) years a Records Check Authorization form to the Division and as required shall submit to fingerprinting. 07/27/2018
Regulation If the licensed facility was constructed prior to 1978 and has not been determined to be lead free by an inspector licensed by Vermont Department of Health, the licensee shall comply with the requirements of 18 V.S.A. Chapter 38 Vermont Lead Law and shall ensure that Essential Maintenance Practices (EMP) have been performed and documented. 07/27/2018
Regulation The licensee shall provide evidence of continuous insurance as defined in the rule of these regulations.
3.4.3 07/27/2018
Regulation 3.4.3: A system for taking attendance, including documentation of the time when each child arrives and departs each day he/she attends the CBCCPP, shall be established. The licensee shall save all daily attendance records identifying the hours of children's attendance for at least twelve (12) months from the date that care is provided. 07/27/2018
Regulation The program director shall maintain a complete and up-to-date enrollment file on-site for each child enrolled in the CBCCPP. A complete file shall contain, at minimum, the following information: * A completed child's admission form signed and dated by the parent that includes the first date the child attended the CBCCPP and the days and hours the child is regularly scheduled to attend the CBCCPP; * The child's name, current home address and current home telephone number; * The child's date of birth; * Name, address and all applicable current telephone numbers for parents; * Name, address and all applicable current telephone numbers for at least two (2) other people designated by the parents as emergency contacts; * Names for all persons authorized to pick the child up from the CBCCPP; * Record of an annual physical and health history as required in the rule 5.1.2 of these regulations that includes the name and telephone number of the child's primary health care and dental care providers (if the child has a dental care provider); * A description of any special medical, developmental, emotional or educational needs of the child including allergies, existing illnesses or injuries, previous serious illnesses or injuries and any prescribed medication including those for emergency situations; * Written authorization from the parent for the CBCCPP to be able to obtain emergency medical care and transportation; * Child's immunization record or Vermont Department of Health approved exemption document as required in the rules in section 5.1.3 of these regulations; * Written permission from parents for the CBCCPP to transport the child, if transportation is provided, as required in the rule of the regulations; * Written permission from parents for the child to participate in swimming activities, if swimming activities are a part of the program, as required in the rule of these regulations; * If applicable, a copy of court orders on custody and visitation arrangements as required in the rule 3.6.4 of these regulations; and * If applicable, any obvious injuries discovered and documented on daily health check as required in the rule 5.3.2 of these regulations. 07/27/2018
Regulation Staffing Schedule: A licensee shall maintain a written record of the daily schedule for at least 365 days of all staff including exact days and hours worked and the group of children to whom they are assigned. 07/27/2018
Regulation The licensee shall maintain a current list of the licensee or designee, staff, auxiliary staff, and volunteers as in the rules in section 7.7.5 of these regulations, as applicable in BFIS. Any changes shall be reported through BFIS within five (5) working days of the change. 07/27/2018
Regulation The licensee shall have a written evacuation diagram with evacuation routes posted in each classroom that is used by the children. 07/27/2018
Regulation The licensee shall ensure that evacuation drills are conducted at least once a month, and children and staff are evacuated in under three (3) minutes.
3.7.3 07/27/2018
Regulation 3.7.3: Emergency Preparedness Training: Within 365 days of opening a CBCCPP, the licensee shall attend emergency preparedness training which shall include content specifically related to sheltering in place in the event of an emergency in which the licensee and children present need to remain in the CBCCPP for an extended period.
4.3.1 07/27/2018
Regulation 4.3.1: Every parent shall be offered an opportunity to participate in formal or informal parent conferences at least two (2) times every 365 days to discuss children's learning, development, and interactions in the CBCCPP. Staff will invite parents to share information about the child in his/her home environment and to provide input to the CBCCPP environment. CBCCPP staff with primary responsibility for the child shall participate in parent conferences.
4.7 07/27/2018
Regulation 4.7: The licensee, in consultation with the program director, shall establish written policies and procedures. Written information provided to parents of all children enrolled in the CBCCPP shall include, at minimum: * Assurance that parents have access to the CBCCP and their child(ren) without prior notice and have access to their children's records as required in the rule of these regulations; * A description of information needed from parents for child's enrollment file as required in the rule of these regulations; * A typical daily schedule of activities; * Information about fees and payment policies; * Information about hours of operation and closings; * Procedures for signing children in and out; * Procedures for emergencies as required in the rules in section 3.7 of these regulations; * Information about the nutrition, meals and meal preparation at the CBCCPP; * Safe sleep policies, as applicable; * No smoking policy; * Information about results from the test for lead in the drinking water and any plan for remediation; * CBCCPP policies on field trips, other off-site activity and transportation; * CBCCPP health policies including illness exclusions, administration of medication, and immunizations; * CBCCPP policies and practice regarding positive guidance and behavior management; * Assurance that confidentiality of child and family information is maintained; * Information about the requirement to report suspected child abuse and/or neglect as required in the rules in section 3.3 of these regulations; * Assurance that non-discrimination and respect for each child's family and culture is maintained; * CBCCPP approach to ensure wholesome growth and positive developmental experiences for children enrolled; * CBCCPP policies related to the inclusion of children with special needs and disabilities; * A description of religious activities, if any; * Information on how to access these CBCCPP regulations and other information about child development on-line; * Information concerning complaint procedures; * Information about the Child Care Consumer Line, including the telephone number (1-800-649-2642); and * CBCCPP policies and procedures related to the expulsion of children. 07/27/2018
Regulation CBCCPP staff shall ensure that adults and children wash their hands: * Upon arrival at the CBCCPP; * Before they eat, prepare or handle food; * Before and after handling raw meat; * Before feeding children; * After toileting or diapering; * After cleaning; * After taking out the garbage; * After handling animals; and * After outdoor play. 07/27/2018
Regulation The licensee shall ensure the hand washing procedures include the following steps in order: * Use of warm running water and liquid soap; * Moistening hands with water, applying soap, and washing hands for a minimum of twenty (20) seconds; * Rinsing hands under running water; * Drying hands with a single use towel or paper towel; and then * Disposing of the towel. 07/27/2018
Regulation The licensee shall ensure that there is a sturdy diaper changing area with a clean, washable and non-absorbent surface. The diaper changing area shall not be located in the kitchen or any area where food is stored, prepared or served. 07/27/2018
Regulation The licensee shall post the diaper changing procedure at each diaper changing area. 07/27/2018
Regulation The licensee shall ensure that each child, except school-age children, has an individual crib, port-a-crib, cot, mat, or bed that is safe for the child's age and development, in good repair, and used by only one child each day. No child shall nap directly on the floor or on furniture not designed for sleeping. Cribs or port-a-cribs shall be used for children under twelve (12) months of age. Children shall not nap in cribs or port-a-cribs if they are physically able to climb out unassisted. 07/27/2018
Regulation Children shall be supervised by staff while napping or resting. Staff shall directly observe a sleeping infant at least every fifteen (15) minutes to check the infant's face, view the color of the infant's skin, and check on the infant's breathing.
5.6.2 07/27/2018
Regulation 5.6.2: The program director shall ensure that only staff, who have completed a training course approved by the Division, administer medication in the CBCCPP. 07/27/2018
Regulation General Safety: The licensee shall ensure the physical facilities of the CBCCPP, grounds, equipment, and toys present no hazard to the health, safety and well-being of the children. 07/27/2018
Regulation The outdoor play area shall include a provision for shade. 07/27/2018
Regulation The play area shall be fenced or otherwise protected from traffic and other hazards. Fencing or natural barriers, such as hedges or other clear land boundaries, shall prevent children from exiting and allow for safe supervision of outdoor play. 07/27/2018
Regulation Safe Use Zones For all play equipment that is thirty (30) inches or higher from the ground, including climbing equipment, slides, swings and other similar equipment, the licensee shall ensure that the surface under and around the equipment, including recommended use zones, is of approved resilient material that protects children if they fall. * Materials in the use zone shall consist of wood chips, pea stone, mulch, engineered wood fibers, sand, safety-tested shredded or rubber like material or rubber mats designed for protective cushioning; * Materials used in the use zone shall follow the recommendations listed in the most recent publication of U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission's Public Playground Safety Handbook regarding critical depth of tested materials determined by the height of the highest climbing surface of the equipment; * Materials used in the use zone shall be installed and maintained according to the manufacturer's instructions; * If the loose material such as sand, mulch, or shredded rubber is used in use zones, the licensee shall ensure that the material is raked regularly and replenished to maintain depth and resilience; and * If the resilient material in use zones freezes, staff shall ensure that children will not play on the equipment until the resilient material has thawed and is once again resilient. 07/27/2018
Regulation Exits: Stairways, hallways, windows, and doors from rooms used by children shall be clear and unobstructed from stored items, non-movable barriers, toys, and other items at all times. 07/27/2018
Regulation The licensee shall ensure that safe and sturdy gates are used on stairways accessible to children, at all times when children under thirty-six (36) months of age are present. 07/27/2018
Regulation The program director shall ensure that the CBCCPP, its furnishings, and toys are kept in a clean and orderly condition. 07/27/2018
Regulation A developmentally appropriate system for observing, assessing and documenting each child's learning and growth shall be implemented. 07/27/2018
Regulation The number of children served by the CBCCPP at any one (1) time shall not exceed the maximum capacity allowed written on the license certificate. 07/27/2018
Regulation The program director shall ensure that the number of staff present meets requirements described in the chart below for ages of children, maximum group size, and staff/child ratios at any time of day. 07/27/2018
Regulation The licensee shall ensure that the CBCCPP has at least one (1) staff member who meets the qualification for the position of program director and that the program director is present at the CBCCPP at least 60% of the hours of operation. 07/27/2018
Regulation The program director shall ensure that when he/she is not present at the CBCCPP that another staff member is designated and in-charge of the CBCCPP. 07/27/2018
Regulation Staff shall be available and responsive to children, encouraging them to share experiences, ideas, and feelings. 07/27/2018
Regulation Staff shall listen to children with attention and respect. 07/27/2018
Regulation Staff's voices shall not dominate the overall sound of the group.
6.2.6 07/27/2018
Regulation 6.2.6: Supervision of Children Staff shall ensure visual supervision of children, except as allowed in rules of these regulations.
7.1.2 07/27/2018
Regulation 7.1.2: First Aid and CPR Staff who are counted in the staff/child ratios shall obtain training in pediatric first aid and infant and child CPR within six (6) months of beginning work in the CBCCPP and remain currently certified.
5.11.4 07/27/2018
Regulation 5.11.4: Drinking water shall be readily available to children at all times.

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